Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Signing Time Sale!!!

Anniversary Sale - All Single DVDs $10 - Limit 10 per customerSigning Time is celebrating reaching 10,000 fans on facebook and their 10th anniversary... with a HUGE sale. All individual dvds are $10 each... saving $12 off the regular price of $22.

Our first introduction to Signing Time was through Timberdoodle, a homeschool resource catalog. We requested the first dvd from our library and not only did J pick up on the signs, but everyone else did as well. Rachel's method of teaching makes it easy to remember the signs and use them. Every dvd includes a song (usually more than one) that incorporates the words that she teaches and if you watch closely you can pick up another couple signs to use as well. Signing Time was one of J's favorite movies to watch while he was in the hospital on chemo. His favorite Signing Time? That would have to be 'Happy Birthday to You' that he received for his sixth birthday in December.

We highly recommend the Signing Time dvds. They are an excellent way to learn sign language and folks who are deaf are thrilled when someone tries to communicate with them using ASL.

Just remember the sale only lasts till Wednesday, April 20th at 11:55pm Mountain Time.

This is not a sponsored post... we just really like Signing Time and would love for more people to be able to use ASL to communicate with people like J. 


epm consultants said...

Here we go again! Another great season for us shoppers!