As some of you know, J is scheduled to have surgery to get rid of his ileostomy (not a colostomy) tomorrow... providing of course that everything is good with his intestines. J has had a ileostomy since April 2007, just a couple months after being diagnosed with leukemia.
Today, J was admitted to the same hospital that he's been coming to for chemotherapy. We've unpacked all his stuff here and now, we're just waiting.
J is going to be wearing cloth diapers through the hospital stay. We brought our entire stash of 35 diapers with us. During his stay, we (or I) will be taking pictures and posting daily about using the cloth diapers in the hospital.
I will be adding a tab on the navigational bar that will link to all the Diaper Diary posts.
If you have any questions about using cloth diapers in the hospital, etc., just leave a comment on this post and I'll do my best to answer them.
Oh, no wonder you are having insomnia too! Surgery for your little one? I'll be thinking about you and praying for your family!
WOW, ok, on the diapers in the hospital, will you have any access to laundry facilities? Just wondering how to keep all these clean or will they need to be brought home to clean?
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