Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Diaper Diaries: The Finish

The Diaper Diaries

Finishing up The Diaper Diaries series. J was released on June 6th from the hospital and things have been a whirlwind since.

J was very nervous about walking at first. But the PT (physical therapist) brought by a little walker and he decided that he 'might' try it.

A stop at the hospital library to read a book.

Sunday morning, J started developing a diaper rash. Thankfully coconut oil took care of it for the day. His belly was a bit swollen so we left his diapers on the larger settings.

He wore Thirsties Fab Fitted, Happy Heinys, AppleCheeks and FuzziBunz that day.

What came in handy for us:

Tiny Tush Diaper Liners (though you could use any diaper liner really)... they are large, but they will protect the diaper! It's been a real lifesaver for us since we've been home.

Wet bags! We were washing diapers that morning and didn't have a chance to dry them before coming home. We put the wet diapers in the bag and dried them once we got home.

Diaper rash... It appears that J's diaper rash has finally cleared up (knock on wood). I ended up using Calmoseptine and Sween Critic-Aid Skin Paste because if I just used one of them, it got worse. Hopefully, it will stay away for good!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. We are so excited to be done with J's ileostomy!


Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

So glad it all worked out so well!