Today he wore: Happy Heinys and FuzziBunz Perfect Size.
What came in helpful for us:
Deo-discs (which we put in the wet bags to keep down the odors)
Wet bags (I don't know what we'd do without a wet bag and one with a handle to hang on the door handle.)
I do have a question for the moms who use a wet bag: Do you have problems with the handle webbing pulling out of the seam?
The drs are planning to cap J's epidural tomorrow morning and we'll see if we can keep his pain under control with oral meds. Then we should be able to get rid of his catheter (which J dislikes).
Please pray that everything will go smoothly with the epidural capping and that we'll be able to take the catheter out. Thank you for all the prayers for J. We really appreciate them!
J looks so relaxed and comfortable in the happy heiny! CUte
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