Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why I love Mothering Grace....

shop Mothering Grace

Today has been a rather stressful day... I've spent most of the day looking for diaper retailers that had diapers in J's size and in the right colors and that would ship quickly to arrive by this Friday. Do you know how hard it is to find Happy Heiny's in large and extra large? Seriously!

Then, we remembered Mothering Grace and how they had shipped quickly the time we ordered (and won a diaper) from them. Sara was really helpful and went out of her way to help us get the best thing for J. So I sent a quick email asking if there was any way that we could order and get it by Friday. She responded very quickly and we made our order tonight.

Now I can relax and not worry about not having enough diapers... Thank you Mothering Grace!

A big Thank you to all the people who are praying for J's upcoming surgery. It means a lot to us!


1. fancygrlnancy said...

That is awesome that she is able to get what you need to you in time. I love her store. She is such a nice person.