Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thanks So Stylilized!

Some of you have probably noticed some changes around here... big ones and then a few smaller ones! Well, I won a blog makeover from Monkey Tales to So Stylilized recently and Jessica just finished it.

Jessica did a terrific job with the new design and was so helpful at answering my MANY questions and putting up with all the changes I asked if she could do! It's so much more than I was thinking and it really suits my blog name, Happily Southern! If you're looking for a blog makeover, you couldn't do better than to have Jessica do it! and I absolutely mean it!

If you've got my old button, would you please swap it out for the new one? 'Cause I'd appreciate it so much!

I've got a giveaway coming up here, but I'm waiting for some computer cords so I can get the pictures off the dead camera. So keep your eye out!

Thank you for following Happily Southern!


1. CalgaryDaddy said...

Looks nice!
